Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fishing in Mongolia

Next morning... So cold... The previous night was raining whole night long...and continue to rain till noon...

Most probably -0゜C at day break. We got frost on every where... And snow on the other side of the mountain...Luckly I brought a gas stove, so I can cook my breakfast in the tent...away from the wind that freezzzz your bone...Fly team ready for the hunt....As well as the lure team...Lenok wrap with aluminium foil ready for grilling...Take watching over the fire.... co'z the fire woods got wet from the rain..Sambal Lenok!!Today's catches...Nick with his catch, Greyling...Beautiful fish... Huh...Fly in action...Big catch 2.7kgs Lenok... Pak Amin in action...One cast one hit???!Our fishing ground Chuluut river....

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