Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Short Day Fishing Around Pangkor Island
With the misses all happily enjoying themselves by the poolside with the kids at Lumut Swiss Garden Resort........Early morning, awaiting for our fishing boat........As usual, the boatman is always late. With nothing else to do, we loitered and fingered with our next best companion - the i-Phone........
Late for 30 minutes,........ our boatman finally came for us guys for a day fishing trip around the island smiling like nothing had happen........... Well, this always happens in Malaysia...... Sighhh!!
Everyone eagerly scrambled on board the 2x200Hp 4-stroke Yamaha Outboard Engine powered vessel which can easily hit a good speed of 40 knots on such a fine day.........
And off we went......
Seems like good weather ahead of us......
Enjoying the ride.......
We anchored at this spot suggested by the boatman.......
Some hours past by but nothing came out of the water...... The water is too chocky for a good catch here due to the the heavy rain fall a day before. We decided to move to more clean waters.......
....And YES, Dennis' first hit - a 700g whopper easily.
.... And the hits keep on coming.....
Everyone trying to out do each other........
Double STRIKE! Yippy!!!
And this is mine for dinner........ Heh heh heh!
......Can't wait for dinner tonight!
After a while of frenzy squid jigging, we headed off to another spot to try our luck........